In the fourth episode of this series, we discussed the different roles that PHA and Risk Assessment methods such as LOPA play in the overall H&RA process, emphasized key differences between safeguards and protection layers, and reviewed some essential protection layer attributes that need to be carefully considered during the risk assessment phase of the overall H&RA process (a.k.a., the “allocation of safety functions to protection layers”).
Before implementing those instrumented protections, however, the project team will need to be familiar with the standards that govern instrumented safeguard and instrumented protection layer specification, design, implementation, operation, and maintenance.
In the fifth episode of our “Safe Automation in the Process Industry” webinar series, we will review the nearly 30-year history of some of the key application-neutral industry standards that are most closely related to the use of instrumented protections against process safety hazards.
Leading the presentation is Eloise Roche, a Senior SCAI Consultant with SIS-TECH, bringing her wealth of expertise to the discussion.